Posts tagged sit stand
A history of trading floor design

Step onto a modern trading floor, and you'll enter a world transformed by technology. Rapid innovation has revolutionised the trading floor environment from the raucous 'bear pits' of days gone by to today's sleek, tech driven spaces. In this article, we take a look at the origins of the trading floor environment and how it has evolved over time.

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10 Essentials for the Perfect Trading Desk Setup

In the fast-paced world of trading, split-second decisions can make or break a deal. Traders need to maintain focus, and a well-designed ergonomic workspace can help you perform at your best. A good trading desk will also support the multiple tech and gadgets traders require. In this article, we look at the essentials of a quality trading setup where technology meets ergonomic design.

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Why anti-collision detection is essential for your sit stand desk

A sit stand desk is a valuable workplace perk. With employee wellbeing top of the agenda, it’s a great way to prevent common issues like back pain and poor circulation. Being able to change posture during our working day has many health benefits.

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Technical Furniture vs Office Furniture: Everything You Need to Know

Investing in the right equipment for your industry is essential. You may not realise it, but office and control room/trading furniture (or technical furniture) are very different.

Environments such as control rooms and trading floors are not like a regular 9-5 office. Their specialised requirements make it important to buy the right kind of furniture. This helps create a functioning, successful workplace. Employees can feel comfortable and perform at their best.

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How to make hybrid work a success for your business

As we emerge from the pandemic hybrid work has become the ‘new normal’. Employees expect to spend at least some of the week working from home, and hybrid working is here to stay. Office life has changed forever.

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The dangers of sitting and how a sit stand desk can help

Did you know that a sit stand desk is one of the best ways to improve your wellbeing at work? Multiple studies have shown that sitting for long periods is bad for us. From poor circulation to back pain, sitting for hours on end affects our bodies in many ways. Height adjustable desks help by allowing workers to stand for part of the day.

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